Sunday, January 8, 2012


NeoChristianity is the oldest form of Christianity. It takes Christ as a real person who was a real human being, who knew exactly who He was. Who he is is described by Saint Athanasius, the Bishop of Alexandria from 328 -373. He attended the Council of Nice and is said to have submitted his own version of a creed to be voted on by the council members. Instead, the Nicean creed was adopted. But, Athanasius and language from the Athanasian Creed is still respected today.

"For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord..." This is a key verity pronounced by Athanasius. Early Christians acknowledged themselves to be heirs to the throne God, just as was Jesus Christ. As Christians are children of God and Christ is His Son, we Christians are brothers of Jesus. When a Christian looks into the eyes of another Christian, indeed into the eyes of any other human being, he sees God Himself. Jesus literally comes again into the hearts of every Christian when we shake hands, hug one-another or greet. We are born again into each other's heart.